Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Well I ran a mile. I still don't believe it. I guess I need to give you my definition of "run" before I start claiming I actually did or did not do it!!!

 Run - verb. To move at a speed faster than a walk. Not having both feet on the ground at the same time.

Please take notice that this definition says NOTHING about having to run fast!!! It took me 17 minutes and 18 seconds to knock that shit out but I DIDN'T STOP ONCE!!! I'm pretty proud :) My personal best up to this point was 3 tenths of a mile and running 7 minutes in a row without stopping. I killed that last night! Remember people I am not in shape. I still weigh almost 200 pounds (199 this morning) and I'm only 5'5". This was no small feat. I'm not saying that to toot my own horn (well I kinda am) but mostly to motivate those of you who say you can't! I don't want to hear any of that crap again.

It was probably the hardest thing I have done in 5+ years. I haven't pushed myself like that in so long I honestly don't remember the last time I did. I started out thinking I would just try to go as long as I could. Once I got past the 10 minute mark I had ran over half a mile.  At that point I was pretty sure I was dying a slow and painful death, but I kept going. After the 15 minute mark I was pretty much numb, but I was SOOOO close to that mile I wouldn't stop. I don't know if I would have stopped for a double decker bus I wanted it so bad. SO. I. KEPT. GOING. Is anyone seeing a pattern here??? I have quotes all over my house and one of my favorites is "Unless you puke, faint, or die keep going" well thank you Jillian Michaels I think I almost did all three at the same time!

Since I'm sitting here writing a post about it we all know I didn't die. I RAN A MILE. I haven't felt this sense of accomplishment in years. I honestly felt more accomplished last night laying on my living room floor than I have felt after losing 40 pounds. That is saying something! I think for the first time EVER I experienced "Runners High". Guess what folks... I want to again. STAT!

Now get off your butts and do something. You have no idea how much your body can handle until you try.

                                 Laying in the floor dying after running a whole mile EEEEKKK!!!
                                    (I sure hope those legs get some sun on the cruise next week)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Now that I have told y'all about the moment I decided to change my life, I am going to tell you a little about how I did it. 

First I want to mention that I am far from a nutritionist or a physical trainer. I have found my information from the reliable internet and in no way have consulted a doctor about any of this. I know my own limits and this has all worked well for me. If you feel like you need to consult your doc before implementing any of this please do so.

Last weekend my husband took my daughter and me to the Antique Tractor Show. They always have a blood drive there so I thought I would try giving. I am actually a gallon donor and I gave all the time before I became to unhealthy to qualify. I really missed giving (I know I'm a freak!) so I was pretty excited to try. I told the first lady that I wasn't sure if my numbers would be good enough to give, but she said they would be happy to check. A little background in case you don't know me. I delivered my daughter eight weeks early due to preeclampsia. My blood pressure was sky high (like 211 over 121 when they put me in the hospital) so I have since then been terrified to have it taken. The lady sat me down and told me to relax (yeah freaking right) and proceeded to take it. It was GREAT ( I was like what, don't screw with me about this) but she said it was perfect! Then she pricked my finger to see if my iron was high enough for me to give RBC's (red blood cells) and it was actually way higher than it needed to be! I was ecstatic! Here I was thinking I might be able to give blood... and I actually got to give RBC's which is way cooler than giving regular old blood!

When you give RBC's they actually spin your blood on site to separate the red blood cells from the plasma and then they put the plasma and saline back in your body. The nurse taking my blood called another nurse over to us and said look at her plasma, then she told me I had the prettiest plasma she has seen in months! That's right my plasma freaking rocks! So I asked her what makes plasma pretty or ugly, and she said it's all about diet! I told this story to say that not only have I lost 40 pounds in a little over 90 days but my numbers have corrected in as much time. Go me!

My diet is a lot less like a diet and a lot more like a lifestyle change. I remember HATING to hear that phrase before I began my journey. Every time someone said lifestyle change I remember wanting to stab them in the eye (seriously). It felt like they were telling me I wasn't living my life right. Since I have started I have realized that this is a permanent change. I will never be able to eat the way I used to. No more fast food every day, or eating right before bed. Sure I splurge every now and then but my treats are few and far between. 99% of the time I am eating healthy. However now when I do eat something like a piece of birthday cake I feel like it's something special to be cherished and I don't share that shit when I finally get a piece either!

I began by watching what I ate, mostly I was cutting portion sizes in half or more. It wasn't until I started Body by Vi and counting calories that I actually lost weight. I remember that first week of drinking shakes and counting calories I dropped around eight pounds. I know that was mostly water weight but it felt freaking awesome anyway! I drink two shakes a day and I have one sensible meal. I usually try to eat lunch so I can have a shake for dinner. It is a little frustrating to watch my husband eat a meal while I'm drinking dinner, but I deal. I have implemented several new eating rules and as a result I have been quite sucessful. I hardly ever eat carbs after lunch, and any carbs I do eat are whole grain good carbs. I never (this is that 99% of the time I was talking about earlier) eat empty carbs, for example white pasta, white bread, sodas etc... I try my hardest to close the kitchen before 6pm (I'm in bed by 9 so it's earlier in my house than most). I drink a ton of water, no really I think I'm sprouting gills on my neck.

Most importantly I count calories. This is in my opinion the key to weight loss. It is the secret that's not much of a secret. You can calculate the number of calories your body needs to maintain your weight or achieve fat loss. There are several different websites that you can use, just google Calorie Calculator. It's also a good idea to make sure you are getting enough protein and fiber. These are two things that will help you be successful because they make you feel full longer. I have also done a lot of reading on spices and the benefits they have but that is a whole other post :)

Along with a balanced diet I TRY (key word) to workout several times a week. I'm not gonna lie it's hard. I just haven't been very motivated lately to get up and move. I hope starting this blog will give me some motivation! Hold me to it people!!!  When I do workout I alternate running (or I should say huffing it at my faster than a walk pace) and strength training, yoga, pilates, etc... When I began running I used a Couch to 5K program but now I am just kinda winging it. If you are interested in C25K google it and you will find all kinds of different programs for whatever level you are at. I would love to run a 5K in November with my best friend who is coming home for a while, so I guess I need to find a serious program and start training (shoot me in the face!).

I hope this info helps! Again I am no professional I have just found something that works for me and I want to share it with whoever feels like listening to me ramble. Happy Healthy Eating!

                         June of 2010 240 pounds                                       September of 2012 200 pounds


Friday, September 21, 2012

My very first blog post is of course going to be about my Ah Ha moment. What is an Ah Ha moment you say. Well I'll tell you. It's when you look at yourself in a mirror or recent photo and say "Shit, what have I done to myself." Now I'm not promising there won't be pictures of cute kids or an adoring husband posted in the future, but for now I'm going to stick to the down and dirty. The nitty gritty of how freaking fat I had gotten. Yep folks, FREAKING FAT I said it. Which brings me back to my Ah Ha Moment.

Looking back I know now there were several moments leading up to the big Moment when my life would forever be changed. But today I am going to tell you about the one that did it, the moment I decided I was worth more. I remember very well waking up and thinking can I just go back to sleep. Because seriously whats the point in getting out of bed if you can't stand to look in the mirror. That was how so many of my days seemed to start. But I got up, for some reason my 2 year old likes to eat three times a day. Go figure. I got the turd a bowl of cereal (with milk because she's a big girl) and booted up the old computer. I was randomly going through some pictures when I came across this one.

                                                                     Sad I know.

This picture was taken in October of 2011. I was so pathetic. I remember telling the photographer that the goal was to make me look smaller. And she did a great job. In other pictures. But here was this one that wasn't so misleading. I would guess I weighed around 230 pounds in this picture. I am 5'5" folks. That means obese in laymens terms. Between October of 2011 and June of 2012 I would gain another 10 pounds and have a BMI of 40. So it was while sitting on my fat butt and looking at this picture that I simply said to myself I am worth more. I owe myself a better life. I owe my daughter a better future.

Luckily I also decided to do something about it; and I have spent the past 90+ days working toward that future. I am a firm believer that weight loss is completely mental. You have to decide for yourself that it is time to do something and to stick to it. No one else can give you the drive or motivation it takes to shed the pounds and keep them off. It has to come from within. I remember last Christmas and Thanksgiving my mom was dieting and every time she would say no I can't eat that, I would think WELL I CAN, and I would shovel some more in. Because I wasn't ready to commit to a new lifestyle I practically shunned anyone who was. I knew deep down I needed to do something but I just wasn't there.

I have always, seriously freaking ALWAYS been overweight. But I knew I had reached a new low and I could either sink further, or become a woman my daughter will be proud to call her mother. So I came up with a goal. My husband and I along with another couple are going on a cruise in October. I decided if I hadn't lost 30 pounds by the time we set sail I wouldn't take any spending money with me. That's right I wouldn't be able to drink, shop, buy pictures, or even indulge in a frozen sugar laden, coffee while on board. Well it seemed to work, I am 40 pounds down and we don't leave for 12 more days! Kiss on the Lips anyone?

                                                   200 pounds (sorry about the bad quality)

I  know I have a long road ahead but looking back at the last 3 months I know I can do this. I have told my husband several times ( he is getting pretty sick of weight loss in our house LOL) that for the first time in my life I know I can do this. I know how to lose weight and keep it off. I know it may take a year or even two but I will wear a bikini for the first time IN MY LIFE. Because I finally have found that determination. Not because I stumbled upon a magic pill or fairy dust that melts fat in front of your eyes. But because I lit a fire under my ass to change, and I will accept nothing less than perfect. Sure I have and will again fall off the wagon. YES I cheat. But for the most part I am a different person. I no longer want to eat crap all the time. Because skinny jeans are in style and this chick is going to look good in a pair!